Our history in brief, and a few key moments along the way


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    Spark Mobility is born

    "It's about time for a change in how we think about mobility." 


    In 2013, we establish Spark Mobility with a call to action: "It’s time to accept that the world is changing and mobility must change with it." We embark on a global search for leading OEMs who can support our vision of hubs for shared light electric vehicles in cities across the US and worldwide, in parallel with the development of a stand-on, leaning electric scooter. We anticipate the shared e-scooter trend by a good five years!

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    We become mobility ambassadors

    A vision for shared use mobility 

    Over the next couple of years, as we build a strong network, we become ambassadors of the value of "shared use mobility" for individual and corporate uses alike.

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    First e-bike sharing system in the US

    A milestone in e-bike sharing development

    Having partnered with a Swiss e-bike sharing OEM, we design and build a portable demo station to show and promote e-bike sharing in the US. It makes its debut in Washington and Oregon, through demos and pilots with LEED certified properties.

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    Tier 2 support for car-sharing deployment

    From pilot to deployment

    Having also partnered with a Swedish car-sharing OEM, we are called in to provide project management for a live head-to-head pilot at a customer's location in the US. We dive in full force (including getting our hands dirty with telematics installations and remote diagnostics). We successfully deliver the solution, and transition to 24-hour Tier 2 support for ongoing operations, as well as logistics support, product localization, hardware testing, and more.

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    Adapting to changes in the mobility market

    Flexibility and adaptation are central to our toolkit

    As the mobility market turns from organic to speculative growth, we begin to turn our view beyond mobility. We decide to maintain our position as bridge and implementation partner for OEMs of nascent technologies, with an expanded view toward other technologies. We begin building networks in the detection and security sectors.

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    Counter-drone and other new ventures

    A firm leap into detection and security technologies

    We enter the counter drone ecosystem and start developing a fully mobile counter drone detection system, while continuing to build out relationships with other key partners and OEMs in parallel fields.

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    Project completion: counter drone van

    A fully managed A->Z project

    We roll out our specially adapted van equipped with a suite of technologies, ready for field deployments. What's inside? .... You'll just have to contact us to find out!